Monday, November 29, 2010

Geometer's Sketchpad for free?? Try Geogebra!

A great tool for any mathematics classroom is the program Geogebra.  It acts almost identical to Geometer's Sketchpad, but there is a huge upside; it's free!  For a tutorial on Geogebra click here.  For those of you that have no idea what either program does, they are tools to help students create shapes and graphs of their choosing without using graph paper.  Many options are available, such as creating line segments, various shapes, calculating angle measures and side measures, etc.  Pretty much anything involving geometry is possible after you understand how the program works.  Personally, I used Geogebra for about a week for a class, and I fell in love with it.  Unlike Geometer's Sketchpad, the layout is a lot more user friendly, with options available right on the top with pictures given so you know what each option does.  I recommend this program for any mathematics classrooms where shapes are pretty much every class!  Try it out, I mean it is free isn't it?  :)


Some rights reserved by Fergus Jones

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