Texas Instruments has been the leader in the calculator community for many years. Most students have used calculators such as the TI-83, TI-84, or TI-86. The new TI-Nspire is a completely new format when compared to its past counterparts. It functions more like a handheld computer than a simple calculator. New formats for writing functions, running spreadsheets, and graphing equations are introduced to further our mathematical education. The one big downfall of the TI-Nspire is that using it is much different than what everyone is used to. Years have been spent integrating the old TI series calculators into classrooms, and this new product throws a wrench into the curve. Not to mention they cost significantly more than any other calculator. The upside, however, is the depth at which the TI-Nspire can be used. I believe that given a few more years, this calculator will be the one to get for all students in the world.
Some rights reserved by zbowling
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